Red Wheel Fundraising of Iowa is a family owned, full-service fundraising company providing professional guidance and service to schools, preschools and any other types of organizations that wish to raise money.
Our coverage area for distribution includes the entire state of Iowa, SW Wisconsin, Western Illinois and some of Eastern Nebraska.
Don't be fooled by other companies that have local sales representatives, but the company is located out of Iowa! We truly are Iowa based!
With over 25 years of fundraising experience our professional sales staff designs highly organized programs, requiring few volunteers. Red Wheel Fundraising of Iowa has provided years of proven results, assisting groups and helping them generate countless dollars in sales.
So, no matter whether you represent a large organization or you are raising money for an individual project, contact us. Our philosophy is to individually design a program that will help you raise the most profit for your organization, with the least amount of effort.
Our coverage area for distribution includes the entire state of Iowa, SW Wisconsin, Western Illinois and some of Eastern Nebraska.
Don't be fooled by other companies that have local sales representatives, but the company is located out of Iowa! We truly are Iowa based!
With over 25 years of fundraising experience our professional sales staff designs highly organized programs, requiring few volunteers. Red Wheel Fundraising of Iowa has provided years of proven results, assisting groups and helping them generate countless dollars in sales.
So, no matter whether you represent a large organization or you are raising money for an individual project, contact us. Our philosophy is to individually design a program that will help you raise the most profit for your organization, with the least amount of effort.
Ben, Jenny Reineke & Family